
Healing is a journey

My journey to naturopathic medicine was serendipitous.

I was in my second year at the University of Guelph preparing for a future in veterinary medicine when I came upon a nutrition biochemistry course that I chose as an elective because it worked best for my schedule. Fridays off? YES!

My first year in school left me a bit uninspired with animal science courses yet determined to pursue my dream of helping animals I persevered, hoping that I would eventually love animal science. At the start of the course, I was immediately intrigued with the power of nutrition and how it affects our body systems. I became fascinated by the research linking food and lifestyle choices with many chronic illnesses. My mind had not considered that before!

After a few more nutrition electives and a part time position working in a nutrition research lab, it was clear that I had to change my path. Knowing that my future in healthcare was now going to involve the science of food and nutrition, I courageously switched into the nutritional sciences program. I didn’t know where that would lead me yet I knew I was moving in the right direction.

As destiny would have it, around the same time, my mom was experiencing debilitating symptoms with Rheumatoid Arthritis, an autoimmune condition that was quickly destroying her joints. She was given pharmaceutical treatment options that sadly had more side effects than benefits. Desperate for help and after many failed conventional treatments, she sought out the care of a naturopathic doctor. After a few relatively simple changes in her diet, and the use of some strategic supplements, she felt noticeably better. This impacted our whole family, deeply!

For me, not only did I see my mom’s quality of life improve, it was once again, even more evidence of the power of nutrition. It was clear to me, food can be medicine!

After graduating with an honours degree in Nutritional sciences, it felt natural to further my studies in naturopathic medicine at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto. There I learned of more ways to support the bodies’ natural healing ability.

I was even able to resolve my own lifelong chronic eczema and digestive challenges with the help of dietary adjustments and digestive system support. I learned that the digestive tract is often a ‘root cause’ of many chronic ailments.

Finally, the passion I longed to feel for animal sciences had transformed into a deep passion to support wellness with naturopathic care.

Watching my mother’s journey with her chronic illness and having my own healing experience that included giving up one of my favourite foods (cheese!) has made me extra compassionate with my patients. I recognize that change and optimal health don’t happen overnight but instead are the result of consistent, progressive action steps taken over time.

I’m aware of the convoluted, often lonely, and confusing process of chronic illness treatment. Like my mom, many patients come to me desperate to feel better. I can feel their frustration as they describe their symptoms and their relief when I tell them that they no longer have to feel that way.

One of my favourite parts of clinical practice is when I can reassure a woman that she has options beyond what she has tried. She does not have to be sentenced to a life of hormonal imbalance, fatigue or anxiety. She deserves to feel better. I also explain to her that her body is not betraying her. It is simply trying to tell her that something is not right. Our job is to figure out what needs to change. Once we understand what is causing her disrupted health, together we start the process of putting the right pieces in place, so that she can feel like her most healthy self, or even better than she has ever felt before. Along the way, she learns how to recognize key messages from her body and the self care practices she can implement so she can maintain her wellness. Essentially, she becomes the ‘expert’ on her own body and what she needs to stay well. So rewarding and so worth it!

I have learned so much from my patients and I feel super honoured and privileged to support them through their health journey. I look forward to helping you with yours.

With the right guidance, you can feel better. Together, we will create a healthy life you love.
